$320.00 AUD

Every month

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Minimum commitment of 3 monthly payments before 30 days notice can be given if you wish move on. 




What you'll get:

  • Empower You: 45-Min Foundational Call
  • Weekly LIVE Group Breakthrough Coaching
  • Exclusive Sisterhood Chat
  • Next-Level Self-Development Modules, Tools and Workbooks
  • The Intuition-Driven Resource Hub


BONUS UPGRADE: Private Empower Coaching Sessions ($150 AUD per session) for excelled transformation. Bi weekly or monthly options.

-promoted to upgrade your initial Dream Self Method investment has been made.


What People Are Saying:

I don't even know how to start explaining how much this has helped my entire life! Over this time we have focused on all areas of my life from training and nutrition to mindset, spirituality and stress management. Not only has Ash has really helped me understand the WHY behind my goals, but for the first time I have been able to both ACHIEVE my goals whilst growing radical self acceptance for myself.


Working with Ash has been one of the best decisions I have ever made for myself. Her passion for what she does and her experience have had a great effect on my individual growth. I am as confident as ever now that she has shed light to many things I have struggled with for years. I am a new woman and I have finally found routines and a mindset that will stick for life. I can’t recommend Ash enough.
